I am from the smell of my dog's warm paw

From half left coffee and shower head that dripping the water,

I am from the cloudy bed in my parent's room which is now disappeared,

scattered, fluffy, rain touched my nose.

I am from ruffled green leaves,

which is trembling because of the rain shower

I'm from the spicy food that my mom used to cook and hugs from my dad

From a little piggy called by my grandma and quince called by my uncle

I'm from the hand of Buddha, but I have never shaked hands with him.

I'm from the basin surrounded by eight mountains,

an apple tree, and rosmary.

From the Super Mario that my brother used to play with me when we were kids

The stolen bicycle that my cousin gave me as my birthday present,

Deep mud puddle in my dream,

I am still walking with everything that shining in my mind to the rainforest that I've never been.